Survey Materials
Working for a Healthy Community
Bach Harrison Children Playing

Founded by R. Steven Harrison, Ph.D., from the conviction that
science and research can make a difference in our social
well-being, Bach Harrison has grown to see this vision a reality.
Bach Harrison provides expertise in research services, program evaluation, survey administration*, data management systems, and web-based services to government agencies and to community-based and private organizations.

We take pride in delivering the highest quality services using industry-leading scientific methodologies. The members of our staff have a wealth of research and evaluation knowledge and experience that they can apply to new projects. We enjoy long-term relationships with many of our clients and often assist them with grant writing, data analysis, program planning, and evaluation issues.

Let us simplify your research and evaluation needs. Contact us today.

*Bach Harrison provides surveys, analysis and reporting services for the Communities That Care Youth Survey. For additional information on administering the CTC Youth Survey in your community or state, please contact Community Survey Project Coordinator Jake Trumbo.

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