Utah SHARP Web Tool

Survey Question Text

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QuestionSurvey Text
Q1How old are you?
Q2What grade are you in?
Q3aWhat is your race? American Indian or Alaskan Native
Q3bWhat is your race? Asian
Q3cWhat is your race? Black or African American
Q3dWhat is your race? Hispanic or Latino
Q3eWhat is your race? Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Q3fWhat is your race? White
Q4Are you:
Q5Some people describe themselves as transgender when their sex at birth does not match the way they think or feel about their gender. Are you transgender?
Q6Which of the following best describe you?
Q7During a typical week, how many days do all or most of your family eat at least one meal together?
Q8aThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Mother
Q8bThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Stepmother
Q8cThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Father
Q8dThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Stepfather
Q8eThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Foster Parent(s)
Q8fThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Grandparent(s)
Q8gThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Aunt
Q8hThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Uncle
Q8iThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Other Adult(s)
Q8jThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Brother(s)
Q8kThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Stepbrother(s)
Q8lThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Sister(s)
Q8mThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Stepsister(s)
Q8nThink of where you live most of the time. Do the following people live there with you? Other children
Q9Think of the adults you live with. What is the highest level of schooling any of them completed?
Q10Putting them all together, what were your grades like last year?
Q11How important do you think the things you are learning in school are going to be for your later life?
Q12How interesting are most of your courses to you?
Q13In my school, students have lots of chances to help decide things like class activities and rules
Q14Teachers ask me to work on special classroom projects
Q15My teachers notice when I am doing a good job and let me know about it
Q16There are lots of chances for students in my school to get involved in sports, clubs, and other school activities outside of class
Q17There are lots of chances for students in my school to talk with a teacher one-on-one
Q18I feel safe at my school
Q19The school lets my parents know when I have done something well
Q20My teachers praise me when I work hard in school
Q21Are your school grades better than the grades of most students in your class?
Q22I have lots of chances to be part of class discussions or activities
Q23aNow thinking back over the past year in school, how often did you enjoy being in school?
Q23bNow thinking back over the past year in school, how often did you hate being in school?
Q23cNow thinking back over the past year in school, how often did you try to do best work in school?
Q24How often do you feel that the school work you are assigned is meaningful and important?
Q25During the past 12 months, how often (if at all) have you been threatened or harassed over the Internet, by e-mail, or by someone using a cell phone?
Q26During the past 12 months, how often (if at all) have you been picked on or bullied by a student ON SCHOOL PROPERTY?
Q27During the LAST FOUR WEEKS, how many (if any) whole days of school have you missed because you skipped or cut?
Q28During the past 30 days, on how many days (if any) did you NOT go to school because you felt you would be unsafe at school or on your way to or from school?
Q29aHow safe do you feel in each of the following areas at your school (before and after school)? Playgrounds or fields
Q29bHow safe do you feel in each of the following areas at your school (before and after school)? Lunchroom/Cafeteria
Q29cHow safe do you feel in each of the following areas at your school (before and after school)? Classrooms
Q29dHow safe do you feel in each of the following areas at your school (before and after school)? Bathrooms
Q29eHow safe do you feel in each of the following areas at your school (before and after school)? Parking lots
Q29fHow safe do you feel in each of the following areas at your school (before and after school)? Stairs and hallways
Q29gHow safe do you feel in each of the following areas at your school (before and after school)? On the school bus
Q30aHow worried, if at all, are you about the possibility of each of the following things happening at your school? Getting bullied
Q30bHow worried, if at all, are you about the possibility of each of the following things happening at your school? Gun violence or active shooter situation
Q30cHow worried, if at all, are you about the possibility of each of the following things happening at your school? Suicide by a student
Q30dHow worried, if at all, are you about the possibility of each of the following things happening at your school? Gang activity
Q30eHow worried, if at all, are you about the possibility of each of the following things happening at your school? Students using alcohol or drugs
Q30fHow worried, if at all, are you about the possibility of each of the following things happening at your school? Earthquake/Fire
Q31aHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they smoke one or more packs of cigarettes per day
Q31bHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they try marijuana once or twice?
Q31cHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they smoke marijuana regularly?
Q31dHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they take one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, liquor) nearly every day?
Q31eHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they have five or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage once or twice each weekend?
Q31fHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they have five or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage once or twice a week?
Q31gHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they smoke marijuana once or twice a week?
Q31hHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they use prescription drugs that are not prescribed to them?
Q31iHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they smoke 1-5 cigarettes per day?
Q31jHow much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they use use vape products such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars?
Q32aIf ever, how old were you when you first used marijuana (grass, pot) or hashish (hash, hash oil)?
Q32bIf ever, how old were you when you first smoked a cigarette, even just a puff?
Q32cIf ever, how old were you when you first used a vape product (e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars)?
Q32dIf ever, how old were you when you first had more than a sip or two of beer, wine, or hard liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey, or tequila)?
Q32eIf ever, how old were you when you first began drinking alcoholic beverages regularly, that is, at least once or twice a month?
Q32fIf ever, how old were you when you first sniffed glue, breathed the contents of an aerosol spray can, or inhaled other gases or sprays, in order to get high?
Q32gIf ever, how old were you when you first got suspended from school?
Q32hIf ever, how old were you when you first got arrested?
Q32iIf ever, how old were you when you first carried a handgun?
Q32jIf ever, how old were you when you first attacked someone with the idea of seriously hurting them?
Q32kIf ever, how old were you when you first used LSD (acid) or other hallucinogens (like PCP, mescaline, "shrooms" or psilocybin)?
Q32lIf ever, how old were you when you used cocaine (like cocaine powder) or "crack" (cocaine in chunk or rock form)?
Q32nIf ever, how old were you when you first used methamphetamines (meth, speed, crank, crystal meth)?
Q32oIf ever, how old were you when you first used prescription stimulants or amphetamines (such as Adderall, Ritalin, or Dexedrine) without a doctor telling you to take them?
Q32pIf ever, how old were you when you first used prescription sedatives including barbiturates or sleeping pills (such as phenobarbital, Tuinal, Seconal, Ambien, Lunesta or Sonata) without a doctor telling you to take them?
Q32qIf ever, how old were you when you first used prescriptions tranquilizers (such as Librium, Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Soma, or Klonopin) without a doctor telling to take them?
Q32rIf ever, how old were you when you first used narcotic prescription drugs (such as OxyContin, methadone, morphine, codeine, Demerol, Vicodin, Percocet) without a doctor telling you to take them?
Q32sIf ever, how old were you when you first used heroin?
Q33Think back over the last two weeks. If any, how many times have you had five or more alcoholic drinks in a row?
Q34My parents expect me to eat dinner at home with my family
Q35People in my family often insult or yell at each other
Q36We argue about the same things in my family over and over
Q37People in my family have serious arguments
Q38My parents have set clear rules and expectations with me about NOT drinking ANY alcohol
Q39Sometimes, I think that life is not worth it
Q40At times, I think I am no good at all
Q41All in all, I am inclined to think that I am a failure
Q42In the past year, have you felt depressed or sad MOST days, even if you felt okay sometimes?
Q43aIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you been suspended from school?
Q43bIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you carried a handgun?
Q43cIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you sold illegal drugs?
Q43dIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you stolen or tried to steal a motor vehicle such as a car or motorcycle?
Q43eIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you participated in clubs, organizations or activities at school?
Q43fIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you been arrested?
Q43gIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you done extra work on your own for school?
Q43hIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you attacked someone with the idea of seriously hurting them?
Q43iIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you been drunk or high at school?
Q43jIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you volunteered to do community service?
Q43kIf ever, how many times in the past year (12 months) have you taken a handgun to school?
Q44On how many occasions (if any) have you had alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, or hard liquor) to drink in your lifetime - more than just a few sips?
Q45On how many occasions (if any) have you had beer, wine, or hard liquor to drink during the past 30 days?
Q46On how many occasions (if any) have you used marijuana (grass, pot, cannabis, weed) or hashish (hash, hash oil) during the past 30 days?
Q47On how many occasions (if any) have you used LSD (acid) or other hallucinogens (like PCP, mescaline, "shrooms" or psilocybin) during the past 30 days?
Q48On how many occasions (if any) have you used cocaine (like cocaine powder) or "crack" (cocaine in chunk or rock form) during the past 30 days?
Q49On how many occasions (if any) have you sniffed glue, breathed the contents of an aerosol spray can, or inhaled other gases or sprays, in order to get high during the past 30 days?
Q51On how many occasions (if any) have you used methamphetamines (meth, speed, crank, crystal meth) in the past 30 days?
Q52On how many occasions (if any) have you used prescription stimulants or amphetamines (such as Adderall, Ritalin, or Dexedrine) without a doctor telling you to take them, during the past 30 days?
Q53On how many occasions (if any) have you used prescription sedatives including barbiturates or sleeping pills without a doctor telling you to take them, during the past 30 days?
Q54On how many occasions (if any) have you used prescription tranquilizers (such as Librium, Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Soma, or Klonopin) without a doctor telling you to take them, during the past 30 days?
Q55On how many occasions (if any) have you used narcotic prescription drugs (such as OxyContin, methadone, morphine, codeine, Demerol, Vicodin, Percocet) without a doctor telling you to take them, during the past 30 days?
Q56On how many occasions (if any) have you used heroin during the past 30 days?
Q57On how many occasions (if any) have you used steroids or anabolic steroids (such as Anadrol, Oxandrin, Durabolin, Equipoise, or Depotesterone) during the past 30 days?
Q58aIn the past 12 months, have you spent more time using alcohol then intended?
Q58bIn the past 12 months, have you spent more time using drugs then intended?
Q59aIn the past 12 months, have you neglected some of your usual responsibilities because of alcohol?
Q59bIn the past 12 months, have you neglected some of your usual responsibilities because of drugs?
Q60aIn the past 12 months, have you wanted to cut down on alcohol use?
Q60bIn the past 12 months, have you wanted to cut down on drug use?
Q61aIn the past 12 months, has anyone objected to your alcohol use?
Q61bIn the past 12 months, has anyone objected to your drug use?
Q62aIn the past 12 months, did you frequently find yourself thinking about using alcohol?
Q62bIn the past 12 months, did you frequently find yourself thinking about using drugs?
Q63aIn the past 12 months, did you use alcohol to relieve feelings such as sadness, anger, or boredom?
Q63bIn the past 12 months, did you use drugs to relieve feelings such as sadness, anger, or boredom?
Q64Have you ever belonged to a gang?
Q65aHave you ever tried cigarettes, even just one puff?
Q65bHave you ever tried cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars, even a puff?
Q65cHave you ever tried tobacco in a hookah or water pipe?
Q65dHave you ever vape products such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars?
Q65eHave you ever vape products containing marijuana
Q65fHave you ever tried chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or snus (moist smokeless tobacco usually sold in small pouches)?
Q65gHave you ever tried nicotine pouches like Zyn, On, and Velo?
Q65hHave you ever tried nicotine lozenges (small hard or soft tablets containing nicotine that slowly dissolve in the mouth such as Velo or Rogue)?
Q66How frequently (if ever) have you smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days?
Q67aDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
Q67bDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars?
Q67cDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke tobacco in a hookah or water pipe?
Q67dDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you use vape products such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars?
Q67eDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you use vape products containing marijuana?
Q67fDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you use chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or snus (moist smokeless tobacco usually sold in small pouches)?
Q67gDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you use nicotine pouches like Zyn, On, and Velo?
Q67hDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you use nicotine lozenges (small hard or soft tablets containing nicotine that slowly dissolve in the mouth such as Velo or Rogue)?
Q68aHow wrong do you think it is for someone your age to take a handgun to school?
Q68bHow wrong do you think it is for someone your age to steal anything worth more than $5?
Q68cHow wrong do you think it is for someone your age to pick a fight with someone?
Q68dHow wrong do you think it is for someone your age to attack someone with the idea of seriously hurting them?
Q68eHow wrong do you think it is for someone your age to stay away from school all day when their parents think they are at school?
Q68fHow wrong do you think it is for someone your age it is to drink beer, wine or hard liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey, or tequila) regularly?
Q68gHow wrong do you think it is for someone your age it is to smoke cigarettes?
Q68hHow wrong do you think it is for someone your age it is to smoke marijuana?
Q68iHow wrong do you think it is for someone your age it is to use LSD, cocaine, amphetamines or another illegal drug?
Q69aHow wrong do your friends feel it would be for YOU to have one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage nearly every day?
Q69bHow wrong do your friends feel it would be for YOU to smoke tobacco?
Q69cHow wrong do your friends feel it would be for YOU to smoke marijuana?
Q69dHow wrong do your friends feel it would be for YOU to use prescription drugs not prescribed to you?
Q70aHow wrong do your parents feel it would be for YOU to drink beer, wine or hard liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey or tequila) regularly?
Q70bHow wrong do your parents feel it would be for YOU to smoke cigarettes?
Q70cHow wrong do your parents feel it would be for YOU to smoke marijuana?
Q70dHow wrong do your parents feel it would be for YOU to steal something worth more than $5?
Q70eHow wrong do your parents feel it would be for YOU to draw graffiti, write things, or draw pictures on buildings or other property (without the owner's permission)?
Q70fHow wrong do your parents feel it would be for YOU to pick a fight with someone?
Q70gHow wrong do your parents feel it would be for YOU to have one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage nearly every day?
Q70hHow wrong do your parents feel it would be for YOU to use prescription drugs not prescribed to you?
Q70iHow wrong do your parents feel it would be for YOU to use vape products such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars?
Q71aDuring the past year, did you drink alcohol at any of the following places? At my home or someone else's home without any parent permission
Q71bDuring the past year, did you drink alcohol at any of the following places? At my home with my parents' permission
Q71cDuring the past year, did you drink alcohol at any of the following places? At someone else's home with their parents' permission
Q71dDuring the past year, did you drink alcohol at any of the following places? In a car
Q71eDuring the past year, did you drink alcohol at any of the following places? At or near school
Q71fDuring the past year, did you drink alcohol at any of the following places? Someplace outside of town (for example, on public lands, in the desert, in a campground, etc.)
Q71gDuring the past year, did you drink alcohol at any of the following places? In another place
Q72aHow wrong would most adults (over 21) in your neighborhood think it is for kids your age to use marijuana?
Q72bHow wrong would most adults (over 21) in your neighborhood think it is for kids your age to drink alcohol?
Q72cHow wrong would most adults (over 21) in your neighborhood think it is for kids your age to smoke cigarettes?
Q72dHow wrong would most adults (over 21) in your neighborhood think it is for kids your age to use e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars?
Q73aIn the past seven days, I have felt: left out.
Q73bIn the past seven days, I have felt: that people barely know me.
Q73cIn the past seven days, I have felt: isolated from others.
Q73dIn the past seven days, I have felt: that people are around me but not with me.
Q74aThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have participated in clubs, organizations or activities at school?
Q74bThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have smoked cigarettes?
Q74cThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have tried beer, wine, or hard liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey, or tequila) when their parents didn't know about it?
Q74dThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have made a commitment to stay drug-free?
Q74eThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have used marijuana?
Q74fThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have tried to do well in school?
Q74gThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have used LSD, cocaine, amphetamines, or other illegal drugs?
Q74hThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have been suspended from school?
Q74iThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have liked school?
Q74jThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have carried a handgun?
Q74kThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have sold illegal drugs?
Q74lThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have regularly attended religious services?
Q74mThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have stolen or tried to steal a motor vehicle?
Q74nThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have been arrested?
Q74oThink of your four best friends. In the past year, how many (if any) of your best friends have dropped out of school?
Q75aHave any of your brothers or sisters ever drunk beer, wine, or hard liquor?
Q75bHave any of your brothers or sisters ever smoked marijuana?
Q75cHave any of your brothers or sisters ever smoked cigarettes?
Q75dHave any of your brothers or sisters ever taken a handgun to school?
Q75eHave any of your brothers or sisters ever been suspended or expelled from school?
Q75fHave any of your brothers or sisters ever used a vape product (e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars)?
Q76I do the opposite of what people tell me, just to get them mad
Q77I like to see how much I can get away with
Q78I ignore rules that get in my way
Q79If I had to move, I would miss the neighborhood I now live in
Q80My neighbors notice when I am doing a good job and let me know about it
Q81I like my neighborhood
Q82I'd like to get out of my neighborhood
Q83There are people in my neighborhood who are proud of me when I do something well
Q84There are people in my neighborhood who encourage me to do my best
Q85Do you feel very close to your mother?
Q86Do you share your thoughts and feelings with your mother?
Q87Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
Q88Do you feel very close to your father?
Q89Do you share your thoughts and feelings with your father?
Q90Do you enjoy spending time with your father?
Q91My parents ask me what I think before most family decisions affecting me are made
Q92If I had a personal problem, I could ask my mom or dad for help
Q93My parents give me lots of chances to do fun things with them
Q94How often do your parents tell you they're proud of your for something you've done?
Q95If you wanted to get some cigarettes, how easy would it be for you to get some?
Q96If you wanted to get some beer, wine, or hard liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey or tequila), how easy would it be for you to get some?
Q97If you wanted to get a drug like cocaine, LSD, or amphetamines, how easy would it be for you to get some?
Q98If you wanted to get a handgun, how easy would it be for you to get one?
Q99If you wanted to get some marijuana, how easy would it be for you to get some?
Q100If you wanted to get vape products such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars, how easy would it be for you to get some?
Q101aHow many students in your grade do you think smoke one or more cigarettes a day?
Q101bHow many students in your grade do you think drank alcohol sometime in the past month?
Q101cHow many students in your grade do you think used marijuana sometime in the past month?
Q101dHow many students in your grade do you think used an illegal drug in the past month (not including marijuana)?
Q101eHow many students in your grade do you think used a vape product (e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars)?
Q102aDuring the past 30 days, how often did you feel nervous?
Q102bDuring the past 30 days, how often did you feel hopeless?
Q102cDuring the past 30 days, how often did you feel restless or fidgety?
Q102dDuring the past 30 days, how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?
Q102eDuring the past 30 days, how often did you feel that everything was an effort?
Q102fDuring the past 30 days, how often did you feel worthless?
Q103How often in the last 30 days (if at all) did you talk to an adult (parent, doctor, counselor, teacher, etc.) about feeling very sad, hopeless, or suicidal?
Q104Do you think it’s OK to seek help and talk to a professional counselor, therapist, or doctor if you’ve been feeling very sad, hopeless, or suicidal?
Q105On an average school night, how many hours of sleep do you get?
Q106During the past 12 months, did you ever feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that you stopped doing some usual activities?
Q107During the past 12 months, did you ever seriously consider attempting suicide?
Q108During the past 12 months, did you make a plan about how you would attempt suicide?
Q109During the past 12 months, how many times (if any) did you actually attempt suicide?
Q110My parents notice when I am doing a good job and let me know about it
Q111If a kid smoked marijuana in your neighborhood, would he or she be caught by the police?
Q112If a kid drank some beer, wine, or hard liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey, or tequila) in your neighborhood, would he or she be caught by the police?
Q113If a kid carried a handgun in your neighborhood, would he or she be caught by the police?
Q114I feel safe in my neighborhood
Q115My parents ask if I've gotten my homework done
Q116Would your parents know if you did not come home on time?
Q117The rules in my family are clear
Q118When I am not at home, one of my parents knows where I am and who I am with
Q119I think sometimes it's okay to cheat at school
Q120I think it is okay to take something without asking if you can get away with it
Q121It is alright to beat people up if they start the fight
Q122It is important to be honest with your parents even if they become upset or you get punished
Q123If you drank some beer, wine, or liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey, or tequila) without your parents' permission, would you be caught by your parents?
Q124My family has clear rules about alcohol and drug use
Q125If you carried a handgun without your parents' permission, would you be caught by your parents?
Q126If you skipped school, would you be caught by your parents?
Q127aWhat are the chances you would be seen as cool if you smoked cigarettes?
Q127bWhat are the chances you would be seen as cool if you worked hard at school?
Q127cWhat are the chances you would be seen as cool if you began drinking alcoholic beverages regularly, that is, at least once or twice a month?
Q127dWhat are the chances you would be seen as cool if you defended someone who was being verbally abused at school?
Q127eWhat are the chances you would be seen as cool if you smoked marijuana?
Q127fWhat are the chances you would be seen as cool if you carried a handgun?
Q127gWhat are the chances you would be seen as cool if you regularly volunteered to do community service?
Q128aAbout how many adults (over 21), if any, have you known personally who in the past year have used marijuana, crack, cocaine, or other drugs?
Q128bAbout how many adults (over 21), if any, have you known personally who in the past year have sold or dealt drugs?
Q128cAbout how many adults (over 21), if any, have you known personally who in the past year have done other things that could get them in trouble with the police, like stealing, selling stolen goods, mugging, or assaulting others, etc?
Q128dAbout how many adults (over 21), if any, have you known personally who in the past year have gotten drunk or high?
Q129Has anyone in your family ever had severe alcohol or drug problems?
Q130Which is your religious preference? (Choose the ONE religion with which you identify the most.)
Q131aThis past year, did you experience any of the following? One or more people living in my home lost their job
Q131bThis past year, did you experience any of the following? I had to move or change homes in the past year
Q131cThis past year, did you experience any of the following? Skipped one or more meals because my family didn’t have enough money to buy food
Q131dThis past year, did you experience any of the following? I had difficulty keeping up with schoolwork because I didn’t have access to a reliable computer or internet service
Q131eThis past year, did you experience any of the following? I did not have a quiet place at home to study
Q131fThis past year, did you experience any of the following? None of these
Q132During the past 30 days, did you drive a car or other vehicle when you had been drinking alcohol? If so, how many times?
Q133aIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? I have not felt this way in the past 30 days
Q133bIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? I have felt this way but did not talk to anyone about it
Q133cIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? Parent
Q133dIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? Friend/Peer
Q133eIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? Teacher
Q133fIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? Doctor
Q133gIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? Clergy (e.g. Bishop, Priest or Nun, Minister, Pastor)
Q133hIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? School Counselor
Q133iIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? School Nurse
Q133jIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? Therapist
Q133kIf you have felt very sad, hopeless, or suicidal in the past 30 days, whom did you talk to about it? Other Adult
Q134During the past 12 months, how many times (if any) did someone you were dating or going out with physically hurt you on purpose? (Count such things as being hit, slammed into something, or injured with an object or weapon)
Q135In the past 12 months, have you ever done something to purposefully hurt yourself without wanting to die, such as cutting or burning yourself on purpose? If so, how many times did you do so?
Q136On an average school day, how many hours do you use an electronic device for something that is not school work? (Count time spent on things such as Xbox, PlayStation, texting, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or other social media)
B74If you have ever tried a tobacco product, which one did you try first?
B75aDuring the past 30 days, how did you usually get your own electronic cigarettes?
B75bDuring the past 30 days, how did you usually get your own regular cigarettes?
B76During this school year, were you taught in any of your classes about the dangers of tobacco use?
B77Do you think that you will try a cigarette soon?
B78If you ever used vape products, such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars, what flavor have you used most often?
B79If you smoked during the past 12 months, did you ever stop smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking?
B80Do you usually vape with nicotine, without nicotine, or both?
B81How much do you want to stop vaping?
B82Do you think you will smoke a cigarette at any time during the next year?
B83If one of your best friends offered you a cigarette, would you smoke it?
B84Do you think people can get addicted to nicotine just like they can get addicted to using cocaine or heroin?
B85Do you think the smoke from other people's cigarettes is harmful to you?
B86Do you think that people can get addicted to vape products (e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars)?
B87Do you think you will use a vape product such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars at any time during the next year?
B88If one of your best friends offered you a vape product such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars, would you use it?
B92aDuring the past 30 days, how did you use marijuana? I did not use marijuana during the past 30 days
B92bDuring the past 30 days, how did you use marijuana? I smoked it
B92cDuring the past 30 days, how did you use marijuana? I ate it (in an edible, candy, tincture or other food)
B92dDuring the past 30 days, how did you use marijuana? I used a vaporizer
B92eDuring the past 30 days, how did you use marijuana? I dabbed it
B92fDuring the past 30 days, how did you use marijuana? I used it in some other way
B95During the past 7 days, on how many days were you in the same room with someone who was smoking cigarettes?
B96During the past 7 days, on how many days did you ride in a car with someone who was smoking cigarettes?
B97aSmoke cigarettes?
B97bUse vape products (e-cigarettes, vape pens, mods, or pod vapes like JUUL or Puff Bars)?
B97cUse other tobacco products?
B97dNo one lives with me now who uses any form of tobacco.
B98In the past 30 days, how often have you seen or heard any advertising or campaigns against smoking?
B99aDuring the past 12 months, have you talked with at least one of your parents about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use? No
B99bDuring the past 12 months, have you talked with at least one of your parents about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use? Yes, tobacco use.
B99cDuring the past 12 months, have you talked with at least one of your parents about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use? Yes, alcohol use
B99dDuring the past 12 months, have you talked with at least one of your parents about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use? Yes, drug use
B100During the past year (12 months), how often have you talked with at least one or your parents about the rules and expectations of NO alcohol use?
B101In a typical week, how many days do you walk, ride your bike or scooter (non-motorized), or skateboard to and from school?
B102During the past 7 days, on how many days were you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day? (Add up all the time you spent that increased your heart rate and made you breathe hard some of the time)
B107Has a doctor or nurse ever told you that you have asthma?
B108Do you still have asthma?
B109During the past 12 months, did you have an episode of asthma or an asthma attack?
B110Do you have diabetes?
B111Has a doctor or other health professional EVER given you a written asthma action plan?
B112Has doctor or other health professional EVER given you a written diabetes care plan to help manage your diabetes in school?
B113During the past 12 months, about how many days of school did you miss because of your asthma?
B114During the past 12 months, about how many days of school did you miss because of your diabetes?
B115How are guns and bullets stored in your home?
B116How often do you wear a seat belt when riding in a car driven by someone else?
B117During the past 30 days, did you drive a car or other vehicle when you were talking on a cell phone? If so, on how many days?
B119During the past 30 days, did you text or e-mail while driving a car or other vehicle? If so, on how many days?
MhMental Health Treatment
AlcdepAlcohol Dependence
DrdepDrug Dependence
AldrtxAlcohol/Drug Treatment
Crlna_rsRisk score - Low neighborhood attachment scale
Crlnd_rsRisk score - Laws and norms favorable to drugs scale
Crpad_rsRisk score - Perceived availability of drugs scale
Crpag_rsRisk score - Perceived availability of handguns scale
Frpfm_rsRisk score - Poor family management scale
Frfcn_rsRisk score - High family conflict scale
Frfab_rsRisk score - Family history of antisocial behavior scale
Frpab_rsRisk score - Parental attitudes favor antisocial behavior
Frpfd_rsRisk score - Parental attitudes favor drug use
Sracf_rsRisk score - School academic failure scale
Srlcs_rsRisk score - Low school commitment scale
Prreb_rsRisk score - Peer-individual rebelliousness scale
Preip_rsRisk score - Peer-individual early initiation of antisocial behavior scale
Preid_rsRisk score - Peer-individual early initiation of drug use scale
Prata_rsRisk score - Peer-individual attitudes favorable to antisocial behavior scale
Prfad_rsRisk score - Peer-individual attitudes favorable to drug use scale
Prprd_rsRisk score - Peer-individual perceived risk of drug use scale
Priap_rsRisk score - Peer-individual antisocial peers scale
Prfud_rsRisk score - Peer-individual peer's drug use scale
Prrai_rsRisk score - Peer-individual rewards for antisocial involvement scale
Omdep_rsRisk score - Peer-individual depression scale
Prgan_rsRisk score - Peer-individual gang involvement scale
Cprpi_psProtective score - Community rewards for involvement scale
Fpatt_psProtective score - Family attachment scale
Fpopi_psProtective score - Family opportunities for involvement scale
Fprpi_psProtective score - Family rewards for involvement scale
Spopi_psProtective score - School opportunity for involvement scale
Sprpi_psProtective score - School rewards for prosocial involvement
Ppbmo_psProtective score - Peer-individual belief in moral order scale
Ppipp_psProtective score - Peer-individual interaction with prosocial peers
Pppi_psProtective score - Peer-individual prosocial involvement
Pprpi_psProtective score - Peer-individual rewards for prosocial involvement
CiglifeCigarettes in Lifetime
Cig30dyCigarettes past 30 days
ChewlifeChewing Tobacco Lifetime
Chew30dyChewing Tobacco Past 30 days
PackcigPack of Cigarettes per day
TraqlifeTranquilizers Lifetime
Traq30dyTranquilizers Past 30 days
VapeniclifeLifetime vape nicotine products
Vapenic30dyPast 30 Day vape nicotine products use
VapemarlifeLifetime vape products containing Marijuana
Vapemar30dyPast 30 Day use of vape products containing Marijuana
LozengelifeNicotine Lozenges in Lifetime
Lozenge30dyNicotine Lozenges past 30 days
AlclifeAlcohol Lifetime
Alc30dyAlcohol Past 30 days
AlcbingeAlcohol Heavy Use
MarlifeMarijuana Lifetime
Mar30dyMarijuana Past 30 days
LsdlifeHallucinogen Lifetime
Lsd30dyHallucinogen Past 30 days
CokelifeCocaine Lifetime
Coke30dyCocaine Past 30 days
MethlifeMethamphetamines Lifetime
Meth30dyMethamphetamines Past 30 days
InhllifeInhalants Lifetime
Inhl30dyInhalants Past 30 days
StimlifeStimulants Lifetime
Stim30dyStimulants Past 30 days
SedlifeSedatives Lifetime
Sed30dySedatives Past 30 days
NarclifePrescription Narcotic Drugs Lifetime
Narc30dyPrescription Narcotic Drugs Past 30 days
HerlifeHeroin Lifetime
Her30dyHeroin Past 30 days
Str30dySteroids Past 30 days
Bully_sBeen bullied past year
Pre30dyAny prescription drug use
PrelifeAny prescription drug use
Sleep88 or more hours of sleep a day
Cnsdr_suSeriously considered suicide at least once in past year
Plan_suMade a suicide plan in the past year
Atmpt_suAttempted suicide at least once in past year
VapelifeLifetime e-Cigarette/Vaping
Vape30dyPast 30 Day e-Cigarette/Vaping